Classified IT hints


Table of key words

  1. How do I store my passwords... ?
  2. Where can I find free support to promote my site. ?
  3. Why do e-addresses fail sometimes?
  4. What is"e-zine"?
  5. What is the best language for a web site ?
  6. What is networking marketing... ?
  7. Why & how to build communities
  8. How to Get Your Pages Indexed...?

How do I store my passwords ?

by Jennifer Stewart (

When you first connect to the internet, one of the things you'll find, is that you accumulate passwords and IDs faster than your letterbox gathers junkmail before Christmas. You'll start by thinking you'll remember them (wrong). Then you'll scribble them on little scraps of paper that you put in a safe place (wrong again). The next step is to write them all on a large sheet of paperthat you definitely wont lose (need I tell you?....). Buy yourself an inexpensive little index book with a hard cover. Enter all your passwords and IDs under their title and then cross-reference!

About That Password ...

Its not necessary to dream up a new password for every Classifieds Ad page, BBS, chat group, Webring or mailing list that you belong to - that way lies madness (and chaos). Come up with a simple word that you'll remember and use it everywhere. The only exception here would be for your secure  order form - when you need to be conscious of security. But for the majority of cases, you're not dealing in state secrets, you just need an easy word that you can recall in order to get onto your Message Board or whatever.

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Where can I find free support to promote my site ?

How To Generate More Traffic To Your Site

By Chris Small, a cyber entrepreneur and host of the very successful 'World Deal Center'. His main website is http//

Traffic is the life blood of any web business and the most obvious place to start is the Search Engines. You will want to personally go to the big Search Engines like Yahoo, Lycos, Alta Vista, InfoSeek, etc., and place your links and info. After you're finished with the big ones though it really makes sense to use a submission service to reach the hundreds and hundreds of smaller search engines. These little Search Engines can be very valuable sources of niche traffic.

Another great way to use Search Engine traffic to your benefit is to actually operate one yourself. It's much easier than you would think and the cost really has come down. You can even recoup the initial cost by selling advertising space on it just like the big guys do.

Okay, now that you're registered with the search engines how else can you drum up some traffic. Well you can install traffic generating plugins. Quite simply you give people something for FREE. I personally use FREE Reports, FREE Classified ads, FREE PostCards, FREE Reminder Services, FREE For All (FFA) Links Pages and a few others. These tools will bring people into your site and keep them coming back again and again. You do have to promote them though. Yes, go back to the search engines and register these URL's too.

The next three methods are my personal favorites and in the past few weeks have generated ten's of thousands of hits to my site and hundreds of new ezine subscribers.

1) Banner Advertising - Do Banner swaps with other webmasters, participate in a banner exchange program, or buy banner space on high profile sites. The key here is to have a very effective banner. It is advisable to seek professional guidance on the design and wording. There are certain colors and words that will stimulate people to click through your banners. Another variation of this is to operate your own Banner Exchanger. You just encourage visitors to put their banner into your system and place the specified code on their web pages. For every page view that comes from their site they get their banner displayed on another site. The beauty of this program is that below the customers banner is a little strip banner that displays your message and URL. Every web site that participate s in your Banner Exchange has your message on it.

2) Ezine Ad Swaps - This one is a no brainer. You just approach other similar ezine publishers and ask if they would like to swap ads with you. This dramatically improves your exposure to the market. For a list of over 600 ezines go to " also Try to limit the amount of advertising that you place in your ezines so that you don't overload your readers. Some publishers send out special ad sheets that are separate from their regular newsletter. It's also a good idea to key code your ads so that you know where the responses are coming from.

3) Article Submissions - This one isn't for everyone. But, if you have an ability to write interesting articles that would appeal to a broad base of readers, you can generate a lot of traffic for free and possibly even get paid for it. You don't have to write about marketing or the Internet. Just find a subject that you are knowledgeable in and start writing. Go to the above list of 600+ ezines and get in touch with the publishers of ezines that are appropriate to your subject matter. Let them know about your article. They are often looking for interesting articles for their subscribers. These methods will all work very well for you but you must work them. As Alexandra Stoddard said "What we do today, right now, will have an accumulated effect on all our tomorrows." Let's get busy!


- Start your own Sub-Banner Exchange for FREE in 5 Minutes!
- Plug in your OWN Search Engine in 2 Minutes!
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- Grow your traffic daily with FREE Animated Banner Ads!
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- And, earn some extra Revenues while you are at it!

Take one second of your time and click on the link:

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Why do e-addresses fail sometimes ?

Using {http://www.nnnnnnnnn.nnn/} will produce more results than simply typing {www.nnnnnnnnn.nnn} <<< brackets are not part
of the link and used only for clarity. Specific pages within a web site generally do not have a "/" (forward slash) at the end of the ".html or .htm" but the http:// is all important.

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What is "e-zine"e?

E-zine is an ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE           

Top 10 Elements of an E-Zine

  by Kate Schultz (The Add Me! Newsletter  *** ISSUE #40 ***

     The Nameplate is just what you expect it to be. Your E-Zine's nameplate "opens" the issue and includes the
     name of the E-Zine, tag line, dateline and volume or issue number. The Nameplate is the first part of your
     E-Zine. It belongs at the top of the E-Zine.
     The table of contents box lets your readers know what to expect and the order of the articles in your E-Zine. In
     a text based E-Zine, you cannot refer to page numbers, so make sure that your table of contents matches the
     sequence of articles.
     A personal note from the editor or publisher of the E-Zine. This is your opportunity to connect with yourreaders on a personal level. Don't be afraid to show your personality!

     The main feature of your E-Zine. Focus your articles around the theme and purpose of your E-Zine.

     Spotlight columns can feature Products, Services or Customers. Encourage interaction from your readers by
     asking them for nominations for the Spotlight. When your readers submit nominations to you --the article
     practically writes itself. 

  6. Q & A
     An Ask the Expert column is a popular format in many   E-Zines. Ask your Customer Service Reps to select
     the most frequently asked questions and provide an answer in each issue of your E-Zine.
     Copyright:  The copyright notice should contain the   following elements.
     -> The symbol L (the letter in a circle), or the word "Copyright".
     -> The year the work was first published.
     -> The name of the owner of copyright.

     You must make it easy for people to remove their names from your mailing list. Include subscribe and
     unsubscribe instructions in each issue.

     If you accept classified advertising in your E-Zine, include information to direct your readers to the
     advertising rates and policies for your E-Zine.

     End your E-Zine with your signature file. A Signature File is a standard block of information at the end of an
     e-mail message. Place your signature file at the end of   your E-Zine to ensure that your readers can reach you.
     It will be visible to all customers, clients, and prospects who correspond with you electronically.

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What is the best language for a web site ?

After English, Japanese and then German, are the most used languages\line on the Net.

By 2002, English speaking users will fall to a minority \line position. By 2005, it is estimated that 60% of all Internet users will\line speak a language other than English.

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What is networking marketing... ? 
        Business-Building Ideas To Help You Make Money In On-Line Network Marketing
           How many do YOU use?       

  by Jim Beach Mr. Beach is a corporate marketing veteran, author and   netrepreneur. His company, SandDollar Marketing Group,  specializes in scam-free and guaranteed business opportunities.  His recommended opportunities, free marketing reports, free  advertising resources and a free lifetime website are all   located at received from "The Add Me! Newslette"r June
  1. Make a total commitment to your program for at least one year, don-t give up at the first defeat. Don-t even
  start until you-re ready to commit to it.

  2. Promote YOU first, then the products and the marketing   plan. People want to do business with people they know,
  like and trust. You are as important as the opportunity   itself.

  3. Spend 30% of your business time with members of your   downline (helping them be successful),  only 10%
  perfecting your website, 50% attracting new prospects   and 10% with administration. Save administrative tasks
  for times when it would be inappropriate to call, e-mail   or ICQ.

  4. Don-t forget off-line marketing.  Present your products   and marketing  plan personally to  at least one  person
  daily.  Just one a day.  Use the 5-foot rule: You explain   your business to everyone who comes within 5 feet of you.

  5. Advertise your business. Doing business without   advertising is like winking at someone in the dark.    You know what you-re doing, but nobody else does.

6. Make understanding people more important than product   knowledge. Let the opportuny-s web page describe the product.

  7. Spend time teaching your distributors,  making   distributors independent of you, so that they can train
  others.  Don-t do everything for them.

  8. Stay in touch with prospects and provide them with   new information. Do not tell them the same thing over
  and over and expect them to respond. People don-t change   their mind.  They can, however, make a NEW decision,
  based on NEW information.

  9. Keep it simple: do things others can easily duplicate   and copy.

  10. Keep in touch.  Communicate by newsletter, telephone   calls, postcards, e-mail, voice mail, ICQ regularly. 
  And when you can-t (vacation or something) let them know   in advance.


  1. Don't spend so much time recruiting new distributors while neglecting your existing ones.  Keep them on track. 
  Remember, their work is to your benefit as well.

  2. EXCEED CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS. Give customers more   than they expect. Deliver more than you promise.

  3. Believe in your products so much that you see no   reason why every person you talk to wouldn't want
  what you've got.

  4. Answer all complaints immediately. You may not   be able to solve it, but acknowledging it is
  sometimes ALL IT TAKES!

  5. Ask for referrals from every satisfied customer.

  6. Speak and write enthusiastically about your   business  without going so far as to hype it.  There is certainly enough of that around and if    your product and comp plan is good, it doesn't   need hype.

  7. Concentrate your time on projects that produce   the highest returns.

  8. Set daily, weekly, monthly and annual goals -   and do whatever is necessary to achieve them.

  9. Utilize technology to automate redundant   activities so you can concentrate on marketing.    Use autoresponders and submission services to    save time.

  10. Get a website if you don't have one.  A  website is critical in on-line marketing.

      1. Challenge yourself. See yourself as having already succeeded. Reward yourself for reaching your goals.

  2. Have so much fun in your business that others  want to join you. When you enjoy what you're doing,  it shows.  Enthusiasm is contagious.

  3. Concentrate on what you can do for your distributors and customers, not on your own profits.   Help enough people get what they
  want, you get what you want.

  4. You are what you think.  Read self-help books. Attend seminars. Listen to tapes. Stay positive.  It won't always be easy.

  5. Don't overlook the international market.  We're global.  And English is the language of the internet.

  6. Tell others what they are interested in knowing, not what you think they should know. Develop your pitch by answering this question, from your prospect's perspective, "What's in it for ME?"

  7. Don't deliver some times or most times, but all the time. Consistency is critical, it creates credibility.

  8. First,  seek to  do an outstanding job on one thing rather than introduce a whole string of opportunities all  at once.  Build on that after you're successful at one or two things.

  9. Schedule tedious yet important tasks so that you get those done first so you can spend the rest of the day doing those aspects of the business you enjoy most.

  10. Beware the silent distributor.  That is the one who will just disappear.   Welcome them to share their concerns or disappointments with you so you can handle them.

  11.  Do it right.  Do it now.  Do it right now!

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Why & how to build communities?

Building Communities That promote your business (by dr. Ralph F. Wilson, full version at:

"Community" is an Internet buzz word these days. The dictionary defines it: "1. a unified body of individuals ... b. the people with common interests living in a particular area, broadly, the area itself. c. an interacting population of various kinds of individuals in a common location...." (Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition, p. 233)


1 Communities on the Internet provide information

2 Communities also beget loyalty. Members get in the habit of returning to a site again and again. They get used to your site, and begin to develop almost a sense of ownership, especially if they are involved in an ongoing discussion.

3 Communities also build your business. Communities build "stickiness" (the tendency to spend a long session at a particular site), and stickiness builds loyalty, loyalty builds traffic and trust, and trust is the common currency of business.



Newsletters by definition are one-way communication, and real communities require interaction

DISCUSSION LISTS One of the best ways to build a sense of community is through e- mail discussion lists. In a typical discussion list, the listserver software allows a member to send her message to the list address, and then broadcasts or echoes that message out to all the list members, all within a few minutes. .

E-MAIL DISCUSSION LIST . All messages from all the members are echoed to all the members as soon as they are received.

E-MAIL DISCUSSION LIST DIGEST . The digest collects all the messages sent to the list, bundles them, and e-mails them in one e-mail to subscribers either daily or when the accumulation reaches a certain size, depending upon how the list is set up. A digest helps control the level of e-mail, but tends to inhibit spontaneous interactions between members on the list.

MODERATED DISCUSSION LIST DIGEST. Large discussion lists are eventually forced to limit the quantity and screen the quality of messages that go out to list members.

BULLETIN BOARDS One of the struggles of e-mail-based communities is keeping "threads" (different topics of conversation) separate. Sure, the Subject line usually includes the topic, but if you are reading 15 messages a day that aren't sorted by topic, things will feel disjointed. One solution to this is a Web-based bulletin board system. Their great strengths are:

* Keeping threads separate, and

* Allowing posts to be read, searched, and researched later by individuals who may not have been part of the original conversation.

CHAT ROOMS The final type of community building tool is the chatroom,, if you need an occasional facility, but participants all need to register as group members to use the chat room.

NECESSARY ELEMENTS What's necessary to build a successful community?

* Clear focus for the community that makes sense to prospective members

* Technical capability through your own software and hardware or a free service

* Structure, guidelines, and parameters for the discussion to keep the group on target * Moderator responsible for each group or list

* Clear strategy for how the community will benefit your business.

Communities take a lot of maintenance, so it has to achieve something to make it worth your while.


Just what effect can you expect a community to have on your business's profit and loss statement?

* Customer satisfaction through effective customer support is difficult to measure, but the availability of customer support will make your product or service more attractive, and therefore affect sales.

* Increased traffic will produce more traffic. You're now offering a service that participants will tell their friends about, and news media will write stories about.

* Repeated use will develop loyalty.

* Moderating or sponsoring a group puts you in the role of an expert in the industry and gives you and your business high visibility.

* Narrowly focused groups you sponsor will attract your very best prospects -- those who have a clear interest in your product or service.

* When your list is well-developed you can earn some advertising revenue from e-mail ads or banner ads, but don't start a list expecting this to be your primary revenue stream -- it probably won't develop this way for probably a year or two, if at all.


Building a community can be an extremely valuable strategy in developing your online business. But one warning: if you treat communities as novelties to set up and then desert, they'll soon become a negative rather than a positive. Make sure your community building strategy is part of a carefully designed business plan that you are committed to maintain over the long term.


  The Add Me! Newsletter
*** ISSUE #49 ***

           8 Ways To Get People To Visit Your Web Site Again And Again! by Larry Dotson

  1. Polls

  Hold an interactive poll on your web site. Ask visitors a poll question. Have them e-mail their vote or opinion. People love  to give their 2 cents worth. They would also like to read the   results the next day or week on your web site.

  2. Prize Drawings

  Hold an ongoing prize drawing on your web site. The prizes  should be something of interest or value to your subscribers.  Most people who enter will continually revisit your web site   to get the results.

  3. Original Content

  Give your visitors content they can't read anywhere else.  I'm not saying all your content has to be 100% original, but a   portion of your web site should have original information.   People will usually read information they haven-t read before.

  4. Quizes

  Give your visitors a quiz or a series of trivia questions. Post   the correct answers weekly on your web site. The people   who participate will want to come back to your site to see   if they were right.

  5. News

  Supply news stories related to your web site topic. People   want current and up-to-date news. If you can be their first   source, they will become repeat visitors to your web site.

   6. Jokes

  Give your visitors a little humor now and then. Don't be so   serious; tell them a joke. If they associate your web site with   being happy they will visit again and again.

  7. Free Stuff

  People love to get free stuff. List free stuff on your web site.  It could be software, services, sample products, e-books etc.  The freebies should be related to your web site topic. Keep  the freebies coming and your visitors will return regulary.

  8. Directories

  Tell your subscribers about Web sites related to your web  site topic. The web sites should be interesting and helpful.  Become your readers web site directory and they will come  back.

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How to Get Your Pages Indexed and Then Keep Them That Way (From :

Here are a number of techniques you should consider to make sure your pages are not among the majority of Web pages that are not found in any search engine:

1. Make sure ALL your pages get indexed. 

The more pages you have indexed, the greater chance you have of being found.  Does this mean you need to submit every URL of your Web site?  No!  In fact, many engines don't like you to submit more than one URL per day.  One of the  best techniques to get all your pages indexed is to create and submit a single
"hallway page" as described in last month's article at:

This hallway page will link directly to all the other pages on your site that you want indexed, including your doorway pages.  Many engines will only spider down one additional level, sometimes two levels looking for pages and will then stop. 

To better explain how far a search engine will spider through your site, let's say you have a home page for your Mexican food site called index.htm that you plan to submit.   That would be considered LEVEL 1 of the Web site "tree."  If the index.htm page linked directly to other pages such as taco.htm and burrito.htm, then those pages would be on LEVEL 2.  If taco.htm then linked to cookbook.htm, cookbook.htm would be on LEVEL 3.  Finally, a link from cookbook.htm to orderform.htm would put orderform.htm on LEVEL 4.  In summary, the layout would look like this:
LEVEL 1     Index.htm
LEVEL 2     tacos.htm  and burritos.htm
LEVEL 3     cookbook.htm
LEVEL 4     orderform.htm

The problem is that most search engines refuse to spider more than two or three levels deep.  Therefore, all your pages on LEVEL 4, and for some engines your pages on LEVEL 3, would never be found by the search engine unless you submitted them directly.   However, submitting them directly is not recommended since it can lower your rankings and is difficult on engines that employ daily limits.  That's why you should either design your site to be no more than two or three levels deep, or create a hallway page which links directly to all the pages on your site.  This page is basically a table of contents for your Web site for the spider to "feed" on.

2. Order your hallway page links by importance.

It's believed that some search engines limit the number of links they will spider on a single page.  The exact limits are unknown (at least to me), so I'd recommend you order your inks based on importance. As an additional precaution, you might also consider keeping your links to 50 or less per hallway

3. Be patient after submitting.

The search engines will vary in the amount of time needed to index you from one day to six weeks.  The WebPosition Submitter will give you an estimate of the time required for each engine and keep track of when each page was submitted.  However, if you submit your home page, or a hallway page, expect to
wait another week or two before the spider returns to index your pages on the second and third levels.  Most engines will put second and third level pages in a lower priority queue. Ironically though, once they do spider to the lower level pages, they will often rank them higher than if you submitted them directly.

4. Consider multiple domains if page limits are a problem for you.

Many engines employ limits to the number of pages they will index for each domain.   The number varies, but generally you'll be lucky to get more than 400 pages indexed on a single domain. I've heard of people getting 800 or more indexed, but they are more the exception than the rule.  If your Web site has
a LOT of pages on it, consider creating separate domain names to host different areas of your current Web site.  That way you would be more likely to get more total pages indexed.

5. Avoid CGI generated pages.

Most major engines will refuse to index pages that point to a CGI script.  These type of pages often include a question mark and ampersand symbols to separate the parameters.   An example of one of these URLs would be:
Instead of submitting a URL like the one above, you should create separate non-CGI pages for the search engines to index.

If you have dynamically generated pages that are generated without special parameters in the URL and without giving any indication that the server is generating them on the fly, you should be OK.

6. Verify that your pages stay indexed!

Once you've submitted your page, use the WebPosition Gold URL Verification feature in the Reporter which will keep tabs on whether a page is still indexed.  Combine this feature with the Scheduler to save time.  After running your mission, check the "URL Submission Verification" link on the report menu to see what pages are currently indexed.

Caution: It's important to setup the URL Verification feature properly to get accurate results on each search engine.  Before using this feature, read this page on how to avoid the potential pitfalls of verifying whether your page is currently indexed:

7. Keep content fresh

Search engines are known to drop pages that have not changed for a long-time in favor of fresher pages.  Excite is probably the worst about being picky on what pages they decide to keep. Therefore, you might consider freshening the content periodically for your main pages.  However, for doorway pages that already rank high in the search results, you should think twice about changing anything significant that could jeopardize your top ranking.

8. Re-submit often?

Some Web marketers recommend resubmitting often to improve the odds of staying indexed.   I don't see anything wrong with this strategy if done within reason such as once a week, or once a month.  However, don't try this tactic with directory engines like Yahoo! or Snap.

Existing WebPosition Gold users:  We just released version 1.10.9 on August 6th which adds support and the ability to schedule the same Submitter mission to run over and over again without the need to re-select the URLs after each successful run.   This should make it more convenient to auto-submit as
often as you want.  Other enhancements were also included.

9.  Ultimately your position is what matters most.

Getting your pages indexed is generally not difficult.  However, most people make the mistake of stopping there.  You must take steps to make sure you rank in the top 10 to 20 matches for keywords which are important to your business.  Achieving that goal by hand can be a very daunting task which is why
we created WebPosition Gold to step you through the process.

The Page Critic in WebPosition Gold will gather the collective knowledge of all our newsletters since 1997, our 120 page book, our staff's most recent research, and the statistical averages of tens of thousands of top ranking pages.   It will then analyze your page and offer custom-tailored advice on
exactly what you should do to make your page rank in the top 10 for YOUR keywords on the search engines YOU specify.  We're proud to say there's no other product on the market that can come close to doing that.  It's like having an expert Web consultant in your hip pocket.

If you've not already done so, be sure to download your free trial of WebPosition Gold at:

Double your money just by linking
Since June 1997 thousands of sites have been linking to and earning 15% of the WebPosition sales resulting from their
referrals.  Many  referral or affiliate programs on the Web offer just 5% to 10% commissions.  For the first time ever, WEBPOSITION 're doubling our 15% rate to 30% for everyone who signs up below.  Simply sign-up below for FREE and then link to us with your assigned referral link:

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The tips are selected from the following resources:
- Hotel Restaurant Travel Hospitality (Lou Taverna, Editor)

- The Add Me! Newsletter  "Free tips for promoting your website and business"                  

- NetDummy - The Free Weekly Newsletter for Beginner & Intermediate Level Internet Users  >

Revised: Àâãóñò 16, 1999.