Centre "School Of Kitaigorodskaia"

in Sochi :


Business School

International University

Didactic Congress Bureau

is one of the first private partnerships in education set in Russian Federation (in 1992).

Its philosophy includes the principles of life-long learning, development of communication skills and interactivity of the individual and the team in learning, intensive learning.

The Centre offers different intensive courses of foreign languages taught by the method developed by Galina Kitaigorodskaia, Dr., Professor, Academician at Moscow State University and a Dean at Moscow International University, Director of Intensive Learning Centre in Moscow. Her method is Active Development of Capabilities of an Individual and a Team, which includes the 5 key principles of:

interpersonal communication,

simulation/role-tailored learning material and learning process,

team interaction,

multipurpose learning exercises and assignments,

condensed organization of learning material and the learning process.

Application of her method at the Centre inspired the idea of setting a secondary Business School in Sochi, which in its turn advanced the plan of starting the branch of Moscow International University on its premises.

What's next? - The Business School and the International University students, adults who graduated from the Centre's language courses, the teaching staff and the students' parents - all favour the current idea of developing virtual campuses and virtual destinations on the Black Sea Tourism Education Network site - that will mirror the real life academic, research and business communities in the Black Sea region.

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