Facts (from
http://www.jayde.com/dummy.html )
Interesting Internet Facts
Ever wonder what kind of revenue sites
on the Web are generating from online advertising? Well here are some actual and projected
figures of total online advertising revenue taken from various sources:
1997 - almost 1 billion dollars
1998 - $1.9 billion
1999 - $3.0 billion (estimated)
2002 - $7.7 billion (projected)
How many kids are really
using the Internet?
Just under 9 million kids (ages 5 - 12) were on the Net in 1998 with a fractionally lower
number of teens (ages 13 - 18).
How many sites does the average
surfer visit in a given week?
About 6 according to recent surveys.How long does the average surfer stay at a given web
page? Just over 1 minute. Kind of makes you wonder who actually visits all those
graphic-laden sites out there.
Internet statistics
in USA
NEW YORK (CNNfn) - The Internet economy
generated an estimated $301.4 billion in the United States last year. Along with
those revenues, it also was responsible for creating 1.2 million jobs during 1998,
according to the study by the University of Texas Center for in Electronic Commerce.The
study, commissioned by networking company Cisco Systems, estimates that of the overall
figure, about one-third, or $101 billion, can be attributed to electronic commerce.Between
1995 and 1998 the Internet economy grew by 174.5 percent, compared with a worldwide
economic growth rate of 3.8 percent during the same period. The U.S. Gross Domestic
Product grew 2.8 percent during that time. In addition, the study shows that a large part
of Internet growth can be attributed to economic activities being switched from the
physical world to the Internet, such as electronic billing, rather than totally new
Internet activities being created. While the Internet sector grew sharply, its $301
billion in revenue still is dwarfed by a U.S. economy of $8.6 trillion. Still, the size of
the Internet economy can't be easily dismissed. It already has outpaced the energy
sector (1998 revenue: $223 billion) and is catching up to the auto industry ($350 billion).
More than half of the Internet revenue -- $171 billion -- came from infrastructure and
applications as companies sought to ramp up their Internet needs. These are the areas that
are likely to experience continued dramatic growth during this period as companies look to
move into intranets and extranets as well, the study concludes.(from WebmasterDigest Weekly - June 1999: Week 2 http://www.webmasterdigest.com)
Recent studies indicate that more
than two out of every five people in North America are now Internet users.About 60%
of North American Internet users have used the Web to shop.Use of home PC's to surf
the Net has dropped almost 40% in the last four years as use of the Internet has
penetrated the workplace.(From http://www.jayde.com/dummy.html NetDummy -
Issue #4)
- At the end of 1998, the U.S. had an
overwhelming lead in Internet users comprising 50% of the total 150 million
- On a per capita basis, the U.S. only ranked 5th in
Internet users. Iceland, Norway, Sweden & Finland had a higher
per capita use. (From
NetDummy - 8/13/99 Issue)
In June, the 5 most visited web sites from
first to last were: Yahoo, AOL, MSN, Netscape and GeoCities. - The gap between male &
female Internet users narrowed to roughly 8% by the end of 1998. MALES: 46.0% FEMALES:
38% - Although stats on affiliate programs are scarce, the Web's top 3 affiliate
programs appear to be those offered by AutoFusion.com, Music Boulevard and Amazon.com .(From http://www.jayde.com/dummy.html NetDummy - 7/27/99 )
The amount of the Web which is indexed is diminishing. Last
year Hotbot were the biggest search engine with 34 percent of the Web indexed. This year
Hotbot dropped to just 11 percent. The largest search engine on the Net
is now Northern Light <www.northernlight.com>
yet it only has 16 percent of the Web in it's database. (from NUA INTERNET SURVEYS T R E N D M U N C H E R
issue 14 July 8)
- Almost half of all Internet users have a university degree and
20% a post grad degree.
- By the year 2000 there will be 25 countries where over 10% of the population
will be Internet users.
- More than 23% of Australia's adult population use the Internet. (From NetDummy -
8/5/99 Issue )
HTML: An Interactive Tutorial: http://davesite.com/webstation/html/
A good site for beginners. Starts with basic terminology and then
proceeds with a chapter by chapter interactive approach.
A Visual HTML Tutorial: http://www.atwebmaster.com/htmlhome.html
Another HTML tutorial site for beginners. A good starting point for
those without any background in HTML and who like a visual approach
to learning.
HTML For The
Conceptually Challenged: http://www.arachnoid.com/lutusp/html_tutor.html
The Webmaster of this site describes it as follows: "If you mostly watch
television, have an attention span measured in microseconds, and think
reading is a waste of your valuable time, this page is for you."
A Beginners Guide
To HTML: http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/Internet/WWW/HTMLPrimer.html
A primer for producing documents in the hypertext markup language used
on the World Wide Web.
The WDVL: http://www.stars.com/Authoring/HTML/
The Web Developer's Virtual Libray. This is a comprehensive web site
with a wealth of information and detail. The area on HTML authoring
alone is very impressive. If you master that, you can move on to the
sections covering DHTML, VRML, XML, Java and other web development
related topics.
The HTML Writers Guild: http://www.hwg.org/
The world's largest international organization of Web authors with over
98,000 members in more than 130 nations worldwide. Membership is open to
anyone with an interest in web authoring and a desire to improve his or
her skills. An excellent resource for webmasters of all skill levels.
The HTML Compendium: http://www.htmlcompendium.org/0frame.htm
A reference manual of all HTML tags in general use. Each element page
contains the tag, text on how it is used, an example of its use, where
possible, and the acknowledged attributes and arguments that modify
that tag.
HTML Questions & Answers:
If you are running into problems in getting your web pages to look the
way you want, then you may want to pay this site a visit. Useful for
webmasters past the beginner stage.
FREE Stuff on Internet
Free On-line releases:
A free newsletter
"Web Marketing today": www.wilsonweb.com/wmt/
Topical Email Lists: http://www.webmasterdigest.com/frame-lists.htm
A free newsletter + :)) http://www.jayde.com/dummy.html
Free Banner exchange
(and 10 cents per clik)
Free Web Space: http://www.jayde.com/freeweb.html
Free short URLs: http://come.to/ and http://www.braventel.com
Free Services for Webmasters ...
a free-for-life, easy-to-remember address
for your website. Short domain names.
http://Freedback.com/- Free fill-out
forms in minutes and the HTML code.
http://Responder.Freedback.com/ - a
free autoresponder
http://www.visitorpoll.com/ -
to poll visitors to your site on a particular topic, tracks your site visitor survey data
aroundthe clock- Easy to use, cutomization and free.
QUALITY guaranteed:
Registration: Have a look at http://www.netnation.com for domain name registration,
there is a great deal of helpful info there.
Search engines: InferenceFind http://www.infind.comand and http://infindv2.infind.com/infind.rdc#2
FREE STUFF for web masters:
Free new downloads:

http://www.bonzi.com/bonzibuddy/bonzibuddyfreem.asp - your Parrot that travels the Internet as yoursidekick! He can talk, walk, sing,
joke, browse, and even search theweb for you! Wtih his built in calendar, BonziBUDDY will
even help keepyou on schedule! The more you use him, the smarter he becomes!
ListPics (120KB): Creates a directory of all the graphic
files in a directory, sorted in alphabetic order. The generated HTM file can allow to
view all the graphics. "http://www.ozemail.com.au/~davidquinn/lstpcs20.exe"
Free Downloadable Guidebook , the highly
rated electronic book on how to achieve a high search engine ranking, Search
Engine Tactics 2.2: http://www.jayde.com/set/searchen.html
- 123 Free Stuff:
- Free2Try.com:
- FreeFever:
- FreeShop:
- Free Stuff Central: http://www.freestuffcentral.com/
- Free Stuff Search: http://www.freestuffsearch.com/
- Freeware Files.com: http://www.freewarefiles.com/
- The Freebie Directory: http://www.freebiedirectory.com/
- Total Free Stuff: http://www.totalfreestuff.com/
- Totally Free Stuff: http://www.totallyfreestuff.com/
WebStat: http://www.webstat.net/
Not just a simple counter. Also provides extensive data about your visitors, including
what country people are coming from, how they find your website, their browser, operating
system, what page they were referred by and more.
Cut-N-Paste 176 FREE JavaScripts: http://www.infohiway.com/javascript/indexf.htm
Free 5 Day Marketing Course:http://www.jayde.com/freecourse.html
NETDUMMY http://www.jayde.com/dummy.html Humor :
Customer: "So that'll get me connected
to the Internet, right?" - Tech Support: "Yeah." Customer: "And
that's the latest version of the Internet, right?" - Tech Support:
"Uhh...uh...uh...yeah." :)
- Tech Support: "How much free space
do you have on your hard drive?"
Customer: "Well, my wife likes to get up there on that Internet, and she
downloaded ten hours of free space. Is that enough?" :)
- - Customer: "Can you copy the
Internet for me on this diskette?" :))
Murphy's Laws of Computing
When computing,
whatever happens, behave as though you meant it to happen.
When you get to the
point where you really understand your computer, it's obsolete.
When the going gets
tough, upgrade.
The first place to
look for information is in the section of the manual where you least expect to find
For every action there
is an equal and opposite malfunction.
-A computer program will always do what you tell it to do, but rarely what you want
it to do.
If Microsoft Built Cars...
- Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable, five times
as fast, twice as easy to drive, but would only run on five percent of the roads.
- You could only have one person in the car at a time, unless you bought
"Car95" or "CarNT". But, then you would have to buy more seats.
- Macintosh car owners would get expensive Microsoft upgrades to their cars, which
would make their cars run much slower.
- The oil, gas and alternator warning lights would be replaced by a single
"general car default" warning light.
