Sochi - Sights - History - Climate - The Russian Coast - VIP - Statistics - News - Investments Projects
Black Sea Investments Conference
Mr. Nikolai I. Karpov -
Head of the City of Sochi
of the Organization of the Investment and Credit Financing
for the Top Priority Programs of Sochi Development
for the Years of 1998-2003
Sochi 7th of May, 1998
The federal program of "Social
and Economic Development of Sochi Health Resort for the Period up
to the Year of 2010" envisages the
perspectives of turning the city into a modern international
resort. But because of the instability of the Russian economy,
lack of the regular federal budget financing for the programs of
Sochi city development and due to the initiatives of the new
Russian Government to grant a considerable economic independence
to the republics, regions, etc. of the Russian Federation and
some cities, such as Sochi, certain corrections have been made in
the concept of financing of the development of Sochi and the
whole region, which concern the creation of the most favourable
investment conditions both for Russian and foreign investors in
order to attract to this area the private capital.
The main idea of the above Concept is the provision by the state
and Sochi city authorities all necessary conditions for
self-financing of the city and the whole region. The city
authorities and the Russian Government have come to the agreement
of giving to investors all possible state guaranties and
privileges instead of the old system of direct federal budget
financing of the development programs. So, in connection with the
above mentioned, there have been defined a new strategy of Sochi
development as the international resort and new intermediate
The New Concept stipulates not the cardinal re-structuring of the
city economy and the system of its management but the
step-by-step development of this region through the investments
into self-dependent local projects, such as the construction in
Sochi of a number (10-15) of 4-star and 5-star hotel and tourist
complexes on the seashore, as well as the construction of
different culture and amusement centers; health and fitness
centers; sports facilities; a network of catering enterprises:
fast food, restaurants, night and disco bars; casino, etc.
Besides great attention will be paid to the formation of tourist
and amusement infrastructure of the winter resort in the area of
Krasnaya Polayana. For example, a joint construction (of the
Federation of mountain skiing and the Olympic Committee of
Russia) of mountain skiing sports complex with the corresponding
net of 3-star and 4-star hotels, tourist centers, mountain rests
and enterprises providing various services for tourists and
It's also envisaged to carry out all-round modernization of the
city spa centers, sanatoriums, rest homes, etc. Potential
investors - the future owners of the new property in the city,
won't face the financial problems connected with preservation and
upkeep of the obsolete city base. It's supposed that the means
for financing will be acquired through tax collection from the
operating commercial enterprises which will provide services for
the increasing number of holiday-makers and tourists. Besides,
the local authorities will grant to the investors, who will
effect the financing of new projects construction in Sochi and
develop the city infrastructure, the local tax privileges for the
whole construction period and for the period of 10 years - for
their participation in the main programs.
Some objects of the city infrastructure, low-profit commercial
enterprises, numerous resort and service enterprises,
sanatoriums, etc., which require fundamental renovation, do not
attract the attention of the investors today. So in 1998 they are
supposed to be re-organized into joint stock companies and the
controlling blocks of shares are to be sold at the auctions or
investment competitions at prices of their demand.
Due to such factors as: unique geographical location;
geopolitical and macro economical importance of Sochi to Russia;
the operating international cargo sea port in Sochi and possible
construction of new cargo sea port in Adler district of Sochi;
the international airport; strategic transit ways to
Transcaucasia; sea border with Turkey and convenient air
passages, which connect Russsia with the Mediterranean region,
the UAE, Syria, Israel, Germany, France, Italy etc.; mild
subtropical climate; curative mineral springs; Sochi National
Park and the Caucasian state preserve, etc. the
priorities of Sochi city development might be
determined as follows:
* Sochi - the summer and winter resort, curative spa complex;
* Sochi - the international tourist center in the south of
* Sochi - the international summer and winter sports complex;
* Sochi - the sea and air gates of the south of Russia;
* Sochi - the zone of intensive farming and of production of
ecologically pure products of agriculture and subtropical
* Sochi - the busines center in the south of Russia,
international zone of free trade with the elements of off-shore
and free economic zones;
* Sochi - the summer capital of Russia and the active center of
formation of international political, economic and cultural
We would like to subject for consideration of the potential
investors top priority programs of Sochi development which will
allow to start the formation of up-to-date tourist and resort
infrastructure in Sochi even in 1998 in order to include Sochi in
the international register of the most attractive world resorts
by the year of 2000.
According to the estimates of the experts on economy the required
total volume of investments into Sochi development for the period
up to the year of 2010 amounts to approx. 10 milliard USA
By the moment all required preliminary documentation (expertises,
business plans, etc.) for a number of projects for the amount of
2,5 milliard USA dollars,
included in 15 programs, have been prepared already. Other
projects (about 120) require the corresponding preparatory work
which reasonably should be carried out together with the
Please, find included the List of the most attractive and
feasible projects which might be realized in
1998-2000 and during the years of 2003-2005:
1. "Sheraton-1" 5-star hotel complex for 650 guests in
the settlement Dagomys;
2. "Sheraton-Water Casino" 5-star service, sea cruise
vessel for 3000 passengers;
3. "Sheraton-Dagomar" 5-star basis marine-village of
the island type for 1000 vessels with port-shelter, hotel complex
for 2000 guests in the settlement Dagomys;
4. "Sheraton-2" 5-star hotel complex with the tennis
centre for 500 guests in the settlement Dagomys;
5. "Sheraton-Golf" 5-star country hotel complex with
Golf Club in Adler District of Sochi city;
6. "Sheraton-Kupidon" 5-star hotel for 60 guests with
the basis marine- village of the island type for 2000 vessels
with the port- shelter, hotel complex for 4000 guests in the
settlement Golovinka;
7. "Sheraton-Gornii Vozdukh" 5-star hotel for 100
guests in the Solokh-Aul;
8. "Sheraton-Okhotnichii Domik" 5-star hotel for 40
guests in Lazarevskii district;
9. "Sheraton-Podnebesye" 5-star hotel for 100 guests in
Krasnaya Polayana;
Other Hotel-Tourists and Medical-Health Complexes
1. International Trade and a) the 1-st phase - building of the
centre with the area
Cultural Centre "Russichi" of 167 000 m2;
b) the 2-nd phase - 5-star hotel "Yuzhnaya Noch" for
800 guests with the reconstruction of the transport and
communications system on the adjoining territory
2. "Vodmar" Marine with the load terminal for 300
vessels in the area of "Vodopadnaya" station;
3. "Centmar" Guests marine of the traditional type in
the area of south pier of Sochi port for 70 vessels;
4. "Yuzhmar" Guests scoop -shaped marine with aqua-park
for 200 vessels with the moorage of local routes in the area of
the "Yuzhnye Kultury" park;
5. "Khomar" The basis marine-village of the island type
for 500 vessels with the port-shelter and hotel complex for 1000
6. "Bzumar" Guests marine-village of the island type
for 100 vessels with the port-shelter in the mouth of the Bzugu
7. "Yacht-club" The reconstruction of the present
coastal yacht-club with the increase of the mooring from 20 to
8. "Zelenaya Rotscha" The reconstruction of the
sanatoria "Zelenaya Rotscha" with the construction of
the 30 additional guests villas for 200 guests;
9. "Matzestinskaya Dolina" The reconstruction of the
sanatoria "Matzestinskaya Dolina" with the construction
of the 36 additional guests villas for 250 guests, the
reconstruction of the present buildings of the sanatoria;
10. "Moscow" The reconstruction of the
"Moscow" sanatoria turning it into the 4-5-star holiday
hotel for 250 guests;
11. "Alpika service" 4-5-star tourists complex for 1000
12. "Khostinskaya Matzesta" The balneological complex
for 500 treatment a day;
13. "Khosta-1" 4-star hotel complex for 300 guests;
14. "Khosta-2" 4-star hotel complex for 500 guests;
15. "Volna" 4-star sanatoria-and-hotel complex for 500
16. Burgas-2" 4-star tourists complex for 500 guests;
17. "Vorontzov Caves" 5-star mountain tourists complex
for 350 guests;
18. "Psou" 4-star hotel complex for 800 guests;
19. "Sochi-Aero" 4-star hotel complex for 2000 guests;
20. "Chaika" 4-star hotel complex for 500 guests;
21. "Holiday hotel" 4-5-star micro-hotels of the
holiday hotel type.
The 4-5-star new hotels and sanatoria buildings might be
constructed on the territory of about 35 sanatoria and working
holiday hotels, which have vacant land plots, all networks and
communications and territories planted of greenery.
Sports and Entertaining Projects,
Transport companies.
1. "Tourist train Sooty" 4-star firms tourist trains;
2. " The Whole of Russia" 4-5-star service, vessels of
"river-sea" type;
3. "Water casino" 5-star service, sea vessel for 3000
4. "Aviaprima" The international passenger airline;
5. "Business-Avia" Avia company of business class;
6. "MAKS" Avia company of the load transportation;
7. "Air magical sight" Dirigibles for the mountain
8. "Krasnaya Polayana" Sports mountain-skiing complex;
9. "Engelman's glades" Tourist-sports complex;
10. "Biathlon" Shooting sports complex;
11. "Vorontzov Caves" Preparation of the caves for
tourists visits;
12. "Magic Land" Attraction centre;
13. "Kafelnikov tennis school" The international tennis
14. "Hunt" Development of the reserve of the hunt
15. "Fisher" Fish reproduction in the mountain rivers;
16. "Bear Corner" Development of curative mineral
springs valley;
17. "Ostrich farm" The object of the
decorative-industrial purpose;
18. "Crocodile Lake" The establishment of the reserve
on the one of lakes;
19. "Ornitopark" The establishment of the
ornithological park;
20. "Dolphinarium" The establishment of the
Dolphinarium (in Khosta);
21. "Terrariums" The establishment of terrariums in the
city parks;
22. "Monkey House" The establishment of the nurseries
in the city parks;
23. "Akhun" The reconstruction of the mountain Akhun
24. "Agura Waterfalls" The development of the complex
for visitations;
25. "Aqua-park" The establishment of the aqua-park
system with the aqua centres on the sea-cost from Adler to Magri.
26. "Rope Drive" Lifting rope-way along the picturesque
gorges to the rest places and glaciers;
Commercial and Industrial projects
1. ZFT "Sochi" The international free trade zone;
2. FCZ "Sochi-Aero" Free customs zone on the territory
of airport;
3. FCZ "Sochi-Psou" Free customs zone on the border
with Georgia;
4. FCZ "Sochi-port" Free customs zone on the territory
of sea port;
5. FCZ "Sochi-Magri" Free customs zone in Lazarevskii
6. "Sochi-INTERNET" Information bank about Sochi
7. "Trade Gallery" Trade complex in the centre of Sochi
8. ITC "Sochi", "Adler" The international
trade centres in Sochi and in Adler;
9. Seaport "Sochi" Investments to the reconstruction of
the passengers seaport;
10. Seaport "Adler" The construction of the new cargo
11. Airport "Sochi" The reconstruction of the
international aircomplex;
12. "Adler poultry- The reconstruction of the
poultry-breeding farm and
breeding-farm" construction of the poultry combine of the
deep products processing;
13. TVC The reconstruction of the Sochi television;
14. "Wines of South" 3 wine producing factories, using
the local raw materials;
15. "Russian Vodka" Vodka and strong alcoholic drinks
16. "Wood" Improvement cutting in volume about 3
17. "Tobacco" The completion of the construction of the
tobacco factory;
18. "Tea" The renovation of the tea-industry;
19. "Mineral waters" The expansion of the production of
the mineral waters bottling;
20. "Water" Bottling and export of the pure water;
21. "Flowers" The reconstruction of the "Yuzhnyie
Kultury" complex;
22. "Tomatoes" Production of the sauces of tomatoes;
23. "Poultry " The reconstruction of the
poultry-breeding farm and quail-breeding products" nursery;
24. "Meristemy" The production of the biological
healthy planting materials;
25. "Honey" Caucasian honey and apiculture products;
26. "Alpika" Pharmacology and medicinal herbs;
27. "Mythilus" Mythilus and pharmacological products;
28. "Rapana shell" Rapana shell and sea products;
29. "Caucasian berries" Citrus plants and berries from
the subtropical zone;
30. "Gifts of Nature" Caucasian greenery foodstuffs.
Housing Construction, Industry, Projects of Social Purpose
1. Program "Habitation" The construction of the
multi-storied houses of
50 000 flats;
2. "Garret" The reconstruction of the garret areas for
the habitation application;
3. "Cottage" The construction of the cottages and elite
housing construction;
4. "Garages" The construction of the multi-tier garages
and covered automobile parkings;
5. "ZSM" The reconstruction of the buildings materials
6. "Sochi' DOZ" The reconstruction of the woodworking
7. "Pure sea" The reconstruction of the sewage works
8. "Vodokanal" The reconstruction of the communications
of the city;
9. "Connection" 100-% installation of telephones and
international connection;
10. "Roundabout way" ' The construction of the
roundabout highway;
11. "Road to the mountains" The monorail to the
Krasnaya Polayana;
12. "Energy-1" The construction of the line of
electricity transmission-500;
13. "Energy-2" The construction of the heating
electrical plant;
14. "Energy-3" The construction of the small electric
power stations (hydro electric stations);
15. "Utilization of waste" The reconstruction of the
16. Project "Gas supplying" The construction of the
reserve gas pipe-line, supplying with gas the boiler-houses of
the city and dwelling houses.
* * *
Dear Sirs,
If you are interested in any of the above mentioned projects, and
intention to carry out the activity of your Company on the
territory of Sochi and in
future to extend your business in Russia and other countries of
CIS, you might
address us for additional information to make your decision.
We are glad to render you assistance.
Deputy Head of Sochi City Victor K.
Tel : 927683, 922251
Fax : 927300
Code of Russia : 007
Code of Sochi city : 8622